I took this picture of my girls...on Mother's Day...in a hotel in China. My first Mother's Day with my 2 girls!
ONE really funny and sweet thing I remember was when they were rushing us up after our Gotcha Moment and back to the bus - Macy saw all of the families moving - and she looked up at me with the saddest voice and concerned eyes and asked, "Are we going to get to keep her?" ;) So sweet. I reassured her that Mia was ours forever now and that God had picked us to be her family.
I had told Macy that out of all of the little girls in the world that God had picked her to be Mia's big sister. And she said -"I know. All the kids were raising their hands saying....'Pick me, pick me'. And I asked her - "but who did God pick?"....to which she replied, "Me - Macy!" Soooo sweet.
1 comment:
Glenda, thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment. You are such a blessing to me, I stand in awe of your love for others, for opening your heart to Mia and being just an awesome Mom and woman of God! I just know that we would have a special kindred friendship if we did live closer because we share alot of victories in life. Like you... I have overcome alot of things but to God do I give the glory and the honor and the praise. So for now, we can be "blogging" buddies. how 'bout it? -Blessings, Laurie
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